It is now 13.30Hrs. They are
decapitating Djelloui, who had just been transferred a few days ago from
the BENSALA camp of OUED EL ALEUG. This will be done following the rules,
with successive razor cuts just a millimeter at the time. Every cut see
Djelloui gasping towards the heaven, this more like a call for help.
He knows, thousands of calls like his are coming
from Algeria for the last weeks. But who will listen? Or will no one,
never anyone, answer it ?
For Ournader Abdelkader they find something else: he
is butchered with pliers. A real artistic work, or at least an artisan
one. The fellagha does his job well, and just stop on the right leg to
start with the belly. The first strips of brown flesh are torn off.
Ournader chest still intact pants every time. He tries in vain to get
loose, as he is tied spread eagle by 4 big sticks in the ground.
The same has been applied since the morning to his
father, Ournader Hocine. Wounded in war(Italie-France-Germany) officer of
the Legion of Honour, elderman. Being older, Hocine died around 1100Hrs.
Then they get the Lagha Salah family. All the
family: his mother, his wife, his kids. And in front of them they
assassinated Lagha with pick blows. At first just to maim him, save for
some blows that live deep wounds in his chin and right cheek. The coup de
grace was given at aroud 2100Hrs, first in the head then in the heart. The
family, standing up close, had to assist to this scene without a word.
The author of these abominations is well known: he
is called" Commandant Mokhtar".