Even the children
The european peoples well kept under third world
illusions, are at lost to imagine the degre of fanaticism and hatred developing
in their mist by the agent of subversion and world revolution.
"A hatred in which children will be educated and that
should not diminish in the heart of grown ups". (A.H.Bakouri)
So the 3 May 1956, 3 european children of AIN BELDA are
tricked by their school class moslems; the martyrised bodies ,stoned and
massacred, were found in a well on 23 June 1956
Many other acts of the same style have been reported all
along the war time. We have even seen a moslem child, in the school play ground,
knifed a european child with whom he was going to school everyday.
But one must be optimistic and hope that such acts will
never be repeated, even with the call to Holy War by ayatollahs. And especially
not on french soil, who fraternally welcome so many little arabs on the same
school benches that the little frenchs, and more son since 1985 in some classes
there are more arab than french children.
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