"Such refinement in cruelty worthy
of wild beats". From Diaro
"This implacability, this inhumanity are
scary". From the survivors, it seems that the fellaghas demontrated
this kind of good feeling after a job well done". From
Jean Dutourd
The horror from MELOUZA seems to awake for one
moment the minds of the most lucids:
"It is not only, alas, the spontaneous
explosion of sadistic instincs more or less contained in normal time. This
is part of a system consciously elaborated and coldly executed…" From
Maurice Duverger.
"….a terrorist path toward domination…"
From J. Folliet.
But this lucidity was short lived and docilely the
french medias will get people used to FLN independance . Some said that
some weekly were created Express-ly in view of this goal.
The guilty FLN defend themselves by accusing,
against all evidence, the french army. No one believe it , save of course
Radio Moscow and the fellow travellers of world revolution.In France,
Humanite (daily newspaper, communist) and Liberation from M. d’Astier de
la Vigerie (gaullist/leftist), present such FLN accusations in such a way
that these papers seems to accept them. So the inside ennemy did not wait
for february 1985 to distillate his venemon against the french army in
general and J.M. Le Pen in particular, as foreign observers can establish:
"We are aware the sneaky work that has been
done by intellectuals and politicians in France. Those who generalised
some islated actes of violence, have lead a hideous campaign against their
country’s army…" From R. Braichet /
"Europe cannot wish to ignore what is happening
in North Afriqua, an indiscriminating unbrided fanaticism let loose
against Europe in general and against the West in particular…"